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住院医生实习期 Classification

Information in this section

Please note: If you are classified as part of the Western Undergraduate  Exchange (WUE) program, you are indicating you are not a Colorado resident and will not establish Colorado residency during your time of attendance at University of Northern Colorado (UNC).  If you plan on establishing your residency in Colorado and would like to petition for in-state benefits at UNC during your time of attendance, it is recommended you do not claim another state as your state of residence.  WUE students who change their residence to Colorado lose their WUE eligibility and must pay as nonresident for one (我.e. Summer through Spring or Fall through Summer semesters) and do not become eligible for in-state tuition rates until after the one year (12-month) establishing domicile period. Because students under 23 are deemed to have the domicile of their parents, the WUE student seeking to change domicile to Colorado must show either: a change of the parents’ residence; or a change in the student’s residence after emancipation from the parents.

Additional WICHE Information

In-State 住院医生实习期 for Native American Students

根据 Colorado Senate Bill SB21-029, section 23-7-112 IV (b) (effective June 28, 2021), "American Indian students who are registered members of a federally recognized American Indian tribe with historical ties to Colorado" (listed below) will be eligible for in-state tuition at Colorado public universities and colleges, beginning fall semester 2021-22.

Colorado Affiliated Tribe In-State Classification Form

住院医生实习期 Requirements

Find out more about the requirements for establishing residency 

住院医生实习期 Deadlines

Includes the residency deadlines for the upcoming terms. 

住院医生实习期 Process and 形式

Information on the process for petitioning of in-state tuition classification and access to required forms

Exception to 1-year Domicile

Learn more about the exceptions to Colorado's 1-year domicile requirements.

Active Military

Learn more about possible exceptions for in-state tuition classification for active military members and their dependents.


Learn more about possible exceptions for in-state tuition classification for veterans and their dependents.


Learn about the Advancing Students for a Stronger Economy Tomorrow (资产) and the path to in-state classification. 

国际 & 非美国公民

Learn more about whether 国际 classifications are eligible for in-state residency. 


Answers to the most common questions we get about 住院医生实习期